The scripture condemned the worship of images. They are used in the church to help Christians to meditate on the lives of our lord and the saints, which they represent, Check for example: If a mother delivered a child & died immediately after delivery, when the child grows up & you show him the picture of his mother, that will help him or her to think of his mother even though he did not know his or her mother nor have seen her.
Catholics don't worship images but we keep all of them for memorials, just like in the book of Za-ch-ariah 6:14 the prophet, The prophet and the Angels, check Ge-ne-sis 28:18 and see how Jacob named bettel, Many of them but i will list them below.. Nu-m-bers 15 v 37-41,
So when we pray before the cross, pictures, or status, we are not praying to cross, pictures, nor status, rather we are praying to the one who is shown in the pictures and to the cross who was nailed for the sake of our sins to help us by praying to God for us. See below this lists....
When God commanded Mosses to make a snake and set it up, That who so ever is bitten by the snake, that he or she will be saved when looked upon it, Nu-m-bers 21v 8-9. Again In the book of Gene-sis 28 v 18-22 where Jacob dreamed and was visited by God while after the dream he woke up and was so amazed that he said in confirmation that God almighty is in this place and that was were he slept off with stone as pillow, so after that, what did he do? He went home with that his pillow stone and anointed the stone which he set for pillar, just read the place carefully. A lot of proves are there in the bible 2 Chr-on-icle 5 v 6-10. So dears we Catholics do not worship images, See more below...
- Nu-m-bers 15 v 37-41
- Jo-sh-ua 4 v 1-9,
- Jo-sh-ua 4 v 1-9
- He-b-rew 9 v 4-5,
- He-b-rew 9 v 4-5
- 1 Chro-nicles 16 v 4
- 1 Kin-g 6 v 23-30
- Re-v-elation 4 v 6-9
- Exo-d-us 33 v 9-11
- Nu-m-bers 17 v 1-9
- Exo-dus 25 v 10-22
- 2 Kin-g 2 v 13-14
- Jo-shua 6 v 19,24
- Exo-dus 37 v 1-9
- Exo-dus 13 v 21-22
- 1 Kin-gs 7 v 15-39
- 2 Chro-nicles 15 v 18
- 2 Chro-nicle 3 v 15-17,
- 2 Chro-nicle 3 v 10-13.
So clear