The Latin On every Good Friday & Ash Wednesday the Catholic Church observes fasting & abstinence in hour of the Lord. But mostly Wednesday's and Fridays during Lent are very important and compulsory days of abstinence. the rules on fasting are compulsory from age of 18 to 59 provided you are not sick. During fasting, we are grated to eat 1 full meal, 2 smaller food may also be taken, not to = a full meal. The rules in abstinence *from meat are spine upon members of the Catholic Church customs from age 14 on-wards. the fast on Good Friday might proceed till Easter Vigil which is Holy Saturday nigh as the *paschal fast*, this is a complete honor to the death & suffering of our Lord Christ Jesus, & to completely prepare ourselves to share fully in the celebration of his pure Resurrection.
The Bible does not condemn meat or any certain food(Acts 10:10-15), (Rom.14:14), but the bible tells us that when some people abstain from certain food, they do so in honour of the Lord(Rom. 14:6). Fish is nice...
When Catholic Church observes fasting and abstinence she also does so in hon-our of the Lord, and to deny the body certain things for the sake of raising our minds to the Lord and to control the body (Concupiscence) for the sake of righteousness. (Dan. 10:2-3).
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