Friday, February 20, 2015

Blessed Virgin Mary Mother To All Christians

   Firstly Believe that Blessed Virgin Mary was the Mother of Jesus Christ and Christ has 2 natures which is human nature and divine nature, but in all he is one divine person and him 1 divine per-son is born of our Virgin Mary, & she's mother of the 1 divine person, which is the rely Mother of God the Christ. refusing dis is just as denying D Incarnation. In (Lk 1:43) Elizabeth calls her “mother of my Lord.” In (Mt 1:23) God is with us. In (Lk 1:35) At the appointed time God will send his only son, who'll be born of a woman in human flesh. (Virgin Mother Mary).

On the Cross Jesus Christ handed his mother to the disciples & as we all understand, the word "Disciple" is not referring to John alone but to all Christians because every Christian is a disciple is a disciple of Christ, Therefore, Mary is a spiritual mother to all Christians, while John is there as *sole representative*.

In Rev.12:17 the bible says that the children of Mary are those who obey God's commandments and are faithful to the truth revealed by Jesus Christ. This means that every Christian here on earth who does what God wants is a child of Mary. Therefore, whoever rejects Mary as his or her Mother no matter how good that person many claim to be, also rejects God as his or her father. And through all this Christ has fulfilled the scriptures.Jn. 19:26-27. And this is just the simple understanding of this Rev.12:17,  but if there's any other way you understood it, just share with us on the comment box. Remain Bless.

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