Saturday, February 21, 2015

God is love, Love Your Neighbor.

Some times i ask myself why must our heart be sink with hates and envy-ness, but for me i do hate a a fellow man based on attitude, I've seen someone hating his neighbor even at the point of death, but  this is to bad,  Love is a good thing and very important to everybody here on earth. Keep on loving one another as Christians. Above everything, love one another seriously, because love covers over many sins(1Peter 4:8). What mates us a child of God? A child of God is he/she who Loves God and knows God.

But whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love. If we are rich and see other in need, yet close our heart against them,how can we claim we love God? And also if we can poison our neighbor with minding the consequence, how can we claim that we love God? Our love should not be just words and talk, it must be true love, which shows itself in action. God said in *John 13:34-35, how important it is to love one another.

As he loves us, so you must love one another.As he loves us, so you must love one another, then every one will know that you are disciples of Christ, That is why the bible says that love is the greatest commandment of God. Read all the quotations below you will see what the bible says about love. (Matt. 25:31-40) (LK. 10:25-37) (Matt. 7:12) (1Jn. 4:16, 19-21) (Jn. 13:12-15) (Act*s 20:35) (Heb. 13:1-3) (1Peter 4:8-9) (Rom. 13:8-10) (1Jn. 4:7-15) (Mar*k 12:28-34) (Rom. 12:9-10) (1Jn.3:14-18) (Jn. 13:34-35) (Levit. 19:18).

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